The Advantages of Flexible Working

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The Advantages of Flexible Working

What is Workplace Flexibility?

Workplace flexibility is when an employee and an employer make changes to when, where and how a person will work, to meet individual and business needs. Flexibility enables both individual and business needs to be met by making changes to the time, the location and the manner in which an employee works. It is important that flexibility is equally advantageous to both the employee and the employer and result in better outcomes.


Setting up own schedules

Flexible hours can be a great way to provide your employees some kind of control over their own daily and weekly schedule. Some organisations need their team to be at work for a highly specific time frame. Others offer more humanity time-wise. But both types can be benefit from flexible scheduling.


Happy employees are better employees

At the end of the day, the key advantage of flexible working opportunities is the positive benefit it offers to your team members, and everyone loves to have a bit of freedom in their lifestyle. Working the hours that best suit one’s needs can be remarkably energising and motivating. Employees who are happy with their work arrangement and feel a sense of agency in planning their own schedule routinely produce better results, work more efficiently, and demonstrate overall improved performance. In so many ways, flexible workers can be the very best employees.

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