Social Responsibility in the Workplace
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What is social responsibility and how can workplaces contribute? Great question! Social responsibility is an ethical framework in which individuals or businesses are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty and taking actions that will benefit society. In the workplace, this is reflected by how businesses are trying to improve society in some way.
Here are some types of Corporate Social Responsibility:
Some large global companies are aligned with this type of responsibility. An example could be a restaurant having fundraising events for the local school or charity where the company eats at a local restaurant on a particular day and the restaurant donates back a set percentage of sales to the group’s cause. Fundraising at restaurants is truly a win-win scenario! Not only to help the beneficiary but it is also a good marketing for the restaurant.
Being Environmental
Large companies have greater responsibility and are generally more publicised. But what can smaller companies do to reduce their environmental impact? It could be something as simple as recycling or changing to non-toxic cleaning products, both easy and low-cost options. Recycling and reuse are often the easiest places to start. Take the steps to recycle the commonly recyclable materials and look for easy opportunities to replace disposable or recyclable items with reusable ones.
Volunteering can undeniably strengthen an organization and can improve its corporate culture in numerous ways. It presents what an organisation stands for, improves employee attraction and retention, encourages employees to work together, develops stronger customer relationships and enhances corporate brand image. KLC for instance spent a day painting an outdoor area for young at-risk mothers for one of its clients. It was a very rewarding and satisfying day knowing we were giving back.
Social responsibility gives the organisation a sense of purpose and understanding that the work they do will enable better social conditions and sustainability to the world. It makes them engage more with the responsible organisation and put in perspective a greater future working.
Written by
Jo Thompson