The dos and donts of resigning from your job

The dos and donts of resigning from your job Top Line Recruiting the dos and donts of resigning from your job 659

Leaving a job is often a sensitive process. Do you know how to handle it?

Do let your boss know in person

A sign of respect when leaving your job is telling your boss in person. Making the effort to do so, while often daunting, shows quality of character and helps prevent negativity building up around your resignation.

Do this in a private space, where others won’t overhear the conversation. This allows your employer to choose how to break the news to the rest of the workplace.

As well as letting your superior know in person, make sure you write a resignation letter to hand in.


Do ask for a reference

Choose who you ask wisely. For example, asking the manager you’ve had a tense working relationship with in the past isn’t the best option. However, don’t miss the opportunity to get a reference from a trusted colleague or boss.

If they accept, ask for a written reference (you can put this up on your LinkedIn page too), as well as for them to be available should someone wish to call or email them.

Do maintain your professionalism

It might feel tempting to slip into holiday mode once you’ve submitted your resignation, but it’s important to remember that you still have a job to do. The business is still paying you, and maintaining your output demonstrates professionalism.

Tie up what projects you can and hand over open ones thoroughly so that the transfer is as seamless as possible.


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Letting your employer know in person that you’re quitting is the polite thing to do


Don’t write, talk, or spread negativity

Even if you hated the company you worked for, keep it to yourself. Be prudent at all times, and never put any of it down in writing, otherwise it might bite you in future.

If you have an exit interview you can choose to tactfully raise any issues here – however, do so wisely.


Don’t use it as a negotiation tool

While your company might make you a counteroffer to get you to stay, you shouldn’t approach resigning as a chance to negotiate. There’s always the chance that they won’t try and get you to stay and leave you in the lurch if doing so was what you really wanted.

However, know what you’d need your employer to give you in order to stay. Figuring that out without the pressure of having the offer before you means you can approach it with a clear head.


Don’t leave a mess for someone else to clean up

A sure-fire way to cause negative feelings is by walking out without tidying your station or cleaning up your digital footprint.

You should clear any personal and private files before resigning, in case you’re asked to leave immediately by your employer. The rest you can chip away at while projects draw to a close so that you leave your desk and computer clean and ready for your replacement.

Do the same for the work you’ve been managing. Make sure your tasks are handed over to the right people and you aren’t leaving any problems behind for others to stumble across.


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Keep things professional and don’t express any ill will you have towards your current employer


Don’t tell different stories

Make sure the reason for your resignation doesn’t vary from person to person. Know what you are going to say about quitting and keep the story the same for your colleagues and superiors. Telling one person that you’re leaving for a great career opportunity and then another that it’s because you can’t stand management is a sure way to leave your employers with a bad taste in their mouth if they find out. Don’t leave the company caught up in gossip. Instead, focus on the positives about the role, what you’ve learnt at the company, and the people you’ve met.

Given that one day you might need a reference, or encounter them in future roles, keeping your story straight and professional is a wise move.


Don’t forget to say goodbye

Saying goodbye to clients and colleagues both is important when leaving a role. For your company, send out an email that expresses the positives you’ve experienced working there, and thanking key members that you’ve worked with. If it’s appropriate, offer to stay in contact with them and provide ways that they can keep in touch.

Let any clients that you work closely with know that you’re leaving as well. This helps with their transition to a new team member, but is also a respectful touch demonstrating the relationship you’ve had with them.

If you need advice around quitting a job, or perfecting a resume for finding a new one, KLC Recruitment is here to help. We know how tough the process can be and are here to provide you with the support you need.


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