Survival Guide for 2020
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Congratulations! You have officially almost successfully finished the year that is 2019 and are on your way to 2020. If you are going into the new year with a sinking feeling that you aren’t prepared or that it’s unlikely your current job will provide you any new benefits, then here are some possible remedies and tips for surviving 2020 in an office.
Tip 1. Be Organised
Do you ever have days where it gets to 4:30pm and you still, somehow haven’t yet been able to tackle the most important tasks on your list? This can often happen for many reasons but there is a way to help you prioritise and that can be done through being organised and making a list. At the beginning of your day, use the calendar either on your laptop or computer to block out each task you need to complete. Not only will this clearly map out how much time you have for each task, but your co-worker’s will also see the times you are not available – meaning you are less likely to be interrupted with trivial things.
Tip 2. Deck out your desk
Unfortunately, it isn’t often you can come into the new year and just demand a new office or desk space, but what you can do is make the place you do your job every day better with small changes. By doing things like buying yourself a great organiser set, a comfortable keyboard set and even putting up photos of loved ones. You are making the space your own and this in turn, will make you comfortable and greatly improve your physical space. Whilst decking out your desk it may also be a great idea to set aside 20 minutes a week to spend cleaning your desk or office and keeping it a nice space to work in.
Tip 3. Get enough of (or as much as possible) Sleep
It’s no secret office workers spend a lot of time either in front of screens or with other people, both of which can end up exhausting you physically and mentally. To ensure you are staying sharp in your job, make sure you’re getting proper rest at night to allow your body the time to recover. To those who read this and think it sounds silly because you aren’t spending the day moving heavy objects or operating machinery all day, just know that your body is subtly being worked and still needs the time to recover. Be sure you get quality rest to be the best possible version of yourself each and every day and avoid burning out.
With that being said, it is almost time to begin the celebrations for the new year. Relax, enjoy yourself and KLC will see you in 2020!
Written By
Georgia Smythe