The Importance of First Impressions
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When it comes to landing your dream role it always important to remember that first impressions count. Whether it’s ensuring you have no grammatical error’s in your resume or making sure your clothes are ironed out, there are things you can do to aid in making a lasting and positive impression.
As the receptionist at KLC, Georgia does majority of the meeting and greeting of our candidates. She sees the confident to the concerned when it comes to first impressions. Here are her helpful tips for a lasting impression with a potential employer.
Tip 1: Your Resume
“Thank you for sending 13 pages of your experience and education” said no employer ever. The quality of your resume is your initial first impression and can determine whether a potential employer will consider you for an interview. Condensing your resume and making it specific to the role you are applying for allows the reader to digest the information within a glance and hook them within the first few seconds. The only way the reader will know you have the right skills they are looking for, is if they are clearly highlighted on your resume. Even the smallest typo can ruin your first impression. So my tip for ensuring your Resume is polished before applying for a role is to read it backwards before sending. This helps you to locate any mistakes that you may have otherwise glossed over.
The quality of your resume is your initial first impression
Tip 2: Phone Interview
So, your resume has made a good enough impression with the recruiter and they now want to have a more in-depth conversation regarding your application. Phone interviews are a way for an recruiter to learn more about you to see if it is worth their time and resources to bring you in for an interview.It doesn’t hurt to research commonly asked phone interview questions and practice with either a friend or family member, so they can give you honest feedback and make note of your answers. If you are caught off guard when asked for a phone interview there is nothing wrong with asking to reschedule.It is important that you let the interviewer finish speaking before responding to their questions and speak clearly into the device you are using. My tip for a successful phone interview is to maintain enthusiasm throughout the call and always thank the caller for the opportunity. A positive, grateful attitude goes a long way.
Tip 3: In-Person Interview
Congratulations! The employer was impressed with your phone interview answers and you have now landed yourself an in-person interview for the role you are so fiercely after. My tip for going in for in-person interview with a potential employer is to remember appearance matters. Brush your teeth, pay attention to your hair, iron out your clothes, don’t forget your deodorant and most importantly, lead with a big smile. Too often I see fantastic candidates who present themselves poorly and leave a negative impression on the interviewer due to their personal hygiene or lack of professionalism. Along with appearance, there are many other tips I believe everyone should follow when it comes to an in-person interview. The following 7 have been narrowed down to assist you with knowing the main things to remember going into an interview:
Research the company – Google is your best friend.
Know your Salary Range – If this role is paying far below what you are willing to accept, then it probably isn’t the right role for you.
Practice and Repeat – It doesn’t hurt to be prepared with your answers, particularly those they are commonly asked no matter the industry.
Get ready ahead of time – This tip ties in with appearance. Getting ready earlier to ensure you are polished is a great way of ensuring you are on time and looking fine.
Be on time – That means early.
Try to stay calm – Relax! Recruiters don’t bite.
Follow up after the interview – It never hurts to send a follow up email to the interviewing company or recruiter to thank them again for taking the time to meet with you.
Throughout the entire process remember to keep an open mind and with advanced preparation, you’ll be able to showcase your experience that makes you the ideal candidate for the role. If polishing up your resume, or learning some tips and tricks about how to best interview, get in contact with KLC today and take advantage of our HR Services. We offer informative sessions on how to write a resume, answer Key Selection Criteria and perform in an interview.