Returning to the workforce ‘mum hacks’
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Applying to jobs can be a long process. Add two children under five. Add a five-year gap to your resume. Pour in some mum guilt, sprinkle some financial pressure and you’ve got yourself a recipe that reveals itself slightly more complex than the pretty picture in the magazine.
There is a lot of career advice for new moms out there, as well as many options and steps you can take to prepare to transition back into the workforce. Having read almost every single article out there, here are a few ‘out of the box ways to not only keep you sane but to make that transition as smooth and effective as possible:
Get off the guilt train – Working moms are constantly chasing the balance of working a job that they want and being the mom that they envisioned. Let working on letting go of this guilt be at the top of your to-do list; it can eat away at you, disrupt your sleep, and affect your mood. Guilt gone awry can be emotionally painful so replace your “I feel bad about ___ “ with “I made that decision because ___” and move forward with your life.
Be honest with yourself – There is nothing worse than realisingmid-interview, in front of a full panel, that may be the full-time, underpaid, two-hour commute was not the best idea you’ve had this year. A mum’s intuition is a real thing so trust it. Take some time to write down your non-negotiables when it comes to distance and the days and hours you are ready to work. Really decide what is important to you before sending out stacks of resumes with a portrayal of yourself that you cannot commit to.
Join as many ‘new mums’ online/Facebook/social media groups as you can – One thing is for sure – you are definitely not alone. Navigating yourself through the working world for the first time as a new mum can be a scary and nerve-wracking process. Connecting with others in the same boat can sometimes be just what you need to boost your confidence. You can also gain some handy tips, and practical advice and even put yourself out there for those more personal, word-of-mouth opportunities. Network, network, network!
Embrace your new brain – Amongst all the not-so-joyful accompaniments of giving birth, one thing that having a baby has given you, is an immense physiological change in your brain that allows you to multitask better than an octopus on coffee. Whether you’ve been meaning to start that homemade jam business, delve back into study mode or watch those ‘top up your skill-set webinars, you will be more productive and efficient than you’ve ever been in your life. Work it, mamma!
Ask for help – Let’s normalise waving the white flag. Despite the image of a super-mom, you can’t and don’t have to do it all. As inspirational as it may sound to sit on the laptop with your two-year-old on your lap, get some help to allow you time to focus on your job search. Use services that can help with resume writing, and
You’ve done this before; you can do it again. Be gentle with yourself and take care of yourself throughout the process. As you begin on this journey, be sure to step into those power shoes, tuck some belief, perseverance and grit into your back pocket, absolutely ask for help along the way, and know that you can do it.