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How Safe Is Your Workplace?

How Safe Is Your Workplace? Top Line Recruiting how safe is your workplace 463

How Safe Is Your Workplace?

National Safe Work Month, held in October in each year, which is targeted to improve awareness of work health and safety. And also to encourage of considerations about the safety at work place across the Australia.


National safety statistics factsheet

  • In 2015,96% of workplace fatalities were male.
  • Being involved in a vehicle incident continues to be the most common cause of workplace fatalities.
  • In 2015,34% of workers who died were machinery operators and drivers.
  • In 2013-14 there were106,565 serious workers’ compensation claims in Australia.
  • Each work related injury costs approximately$116,600.
  • Thetransport, postal and warehousing industry had the highest rate of serious claims in 2013-14.
  • The occupation group with the highest rate of serious claims in 2013-14 was labourers.


How Safe Is Your Workplace

  • Does your employer informed about industry and duty risks?
  • Are employees allowed to work on any new duties without prior training?
  • Do they maintained Safety training calendar
  • Are safety policies implemented at your work place?
  • Does your employer have a workers compensation insurance policy?

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