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Common mistakes on your resume that can be easily fixed to get that position

Common mistakes on your resume that can be easily fixed to get that position Top Line Recruiting common mistakes on your resume that can be easily fixed to get that position 517

Common mistakes on your resume that can be easily fixed to get that position

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For those out there seeking a new job, it is more important than ever for your resume to stand out from the crowd. Anyone in the recruitment industry will tell you it is a staggering number of resumes they receive that have multiple mistakes or ignore the jobs posting instructions altogether. Triple checking your resume may seem somewhat of an inconvenience, but Microsoft word Programming could be the mistake that leaves your resume behind. In 2018 a hiring site Top Resume, conducted a survey that saw results that 70% of employers and recruiters said that deal breakers are missing contact information, or an unprofessional email address was enough to reject the candidate before reading any further.

Here are some resume mistakes to be avoided no matter the industry:

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Showing a lack of interest in the position

If you are not concerned to proofread your resume for typos and change the content to demonstrate how you are qualified for the job, how interested can you be in the role? Having attention to detail shows the recruiter that the candidate has the technical skill and experience to execute a job. If you let any inconsistencies slip through, they will notice, so triple check that start dates, titles, and duties line up or it can be a red flag to employers.

Making claims without measurable evidence

Making claims without measurable evidence is also a common mistake, a recruiter is going to believe you if you state that you improved department sales revenue if you do not include real statistics and explanations of how you accomplished those feats.

Adding too much fluff to your job description

Adding too much fluff to your job description is also one of the biggest mistakes with people attempting to amplify qualifications with fancy works, this can backfire if you are in your interview and the hirer can quickly realise that your resume has been fluffed up and not very practical.

Including obvious skills

Including obvious skills such as Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint are no longer skills to point out, employers assume that all good participates have these skills. Instead, use that room to emphasize experience with more advanced technical skill tools you may have used. These are very intriguing to an employer and will help you stand out.


Ignoring application instructions

Ignoring application instructions is not going to get anyone the job, no matter how great your profile seems. Do not send generic cover letters, visit the website, and explain why your skills are a good fit and show enthusiasm and this will automatically put you higher on the list.

Little things to make sure your application shines that might seem simple but are the most common mistakes, such as choosing a bad file name, including a photo, selecting a tiny font, failing to use white space, getting too cute with the design and add irrelevant work experience that sets you back rather than pushing you forward.
With all of this new knowledge to put in your go ahead and create the resumes that outshine the rest and see how many call backs you will get, you will be surprised what these little changes can make to the employer’s eye!


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