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Candidate Sourcing; Top Tips!

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Candidate Sourcing; Top Tips!

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Romeo…. Romeo… where art thou Romeo?! As if candidate sourcing wasn’t hard enough, the pandemic came in and made the dart even harder to throw. The new culture of remote working, the rise in entrepreneurship, and an increase in finding work that is more aligned to our values and mindset has all contributed to a shift in sourcing strategies for recruiters.

So how do recruiters find the best candidates? Is it all about remote working now? Higher salary options? Flexibility?

Here are some top tips for 2023:

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Push the Passive!

When sourcing, it is important to not just wait for candidates to come to you. The root of sourcing is to actively promote new candidates for potential roles. This means that passive candidates who are not actively looking for a new position should also be considered. These candidates can be found using your current platforms or even attending networking events.

Go deep!

When searching for candidates online or through your own company’s CRM, don’t stick to generic search terms such as the job title or qualification. To get deeper search results, try using the position’s responsibilities or related systems or companies. The Boolean options on your search platform can also zone in on the exact experience the job requires too.


Not one shoes fits all – and neither does one message! Connecting with your candidates is an essential step in the recruitment process to allow them for feel more than just a number. Personalise your messages by mentioning something about yourself, your team’s culture, or why you specifically think that that candidate is suitable for the role. Don’t over sell though, keeping messages short and sweet encourages candidates to reply and protects your company’s name.

So whether you are trying to increase your company’s recruiting effectiveness or just trying to source better yourself, implement a few of these tips to build a better recruiting strategy!

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