5 tips for hiring remote workers

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5 tips for hiring remote workers

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Some of us might have thought we would never hire remote workers.  But really it’s probably what we all do every day now with our current hybrid models.

Just like hiring for your local office, you need to consider the tasks that need to be undertaken, the outcomes you are hoping to be achieved, the fit of the person and the scope for the remote worker to take on more.  To build a remote workforce you do need to be invested – and I mean really invested.  The relationship building, the trust, and the support infrastructure need to have a lot of support mechanisms around them.  Success comes with planning, not as a result of good luck!

Before we get started in building our remote workforce there are a few things we need to do.

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Due diligence – there are a lot of organisations out there who offer remote staffing solutions

So, investigate and work out which one has synergies with your business.  Talk to your local networks to see the sort of support their providers can give.  The responsiveness, the willingness to go the extra mile, the scope of candidates and the understanding of the industry you are in.

Make sure the organisation you work with is reputable and has had success at building relationships with the organisation.

Hire like you normally would – with purpose, meaning and fit

Who is going to best represent you and what do you stand for?  Can this person be a positive advocate for your brand and your product? Your reputation?  If in doubt, then it is not a right decision

Once you start a new person you do need to invest a lot of time to explain the back story of what you do.  Legislation and reference points are different, our use of Aussie slang can be misinterpreted, and how we set things out may look different.  Investing time upfront means faster results that will blow your mind.

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KPI’s what do you want the person in the role to achieve and how will you measure this?

The thing I have noticed about hiring remotely is that your staff want to know what they need you to achieve.  They are highly results and outcomes driven.  So, we cannot be relaxed in our approach.  Close enough is not good enough.  Set targets, make them fair and responsible but your remote employees will impress you with how efficient they can make you look! 

The other thing to remember is that their hosting organisation will essentially also have the tools to measure their activity for every working minute, so with that in mind a well thought out role will equal success

How do you ensure the technology is going to work for you

Make sure that the platforms that you use here can be supported on your remote site.  Again, it’s the little things we might overlook, the headpiece for communication, the iPad they may need.  What your local team has access to so should your remote team.  Your host company will offer you incredible support in helping you out

How do you measure success?

How do you measure it on the ground?  Do it the same way for your remote staff.  It’s not an us and them, it’s a team.  Success surely can be measured with dollars and output and productivity, but it also can be measured with sincerity in a smile.


Keep it real and that’s how you will know if it is the right fit. 

As my two remote staff read this, I hope they know they are valued by the whole team at KLC and that we do not undervalue the work they do for us!  Thanks, Ash and Cess.



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