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10 must dos during a job interview – for candidates

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10 must dos during a job interview – for candidates

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It comes as no surprise that if you deliver a strong interview you will most likely be successful in being offered and securing a job.  The more research and preparation you do, the more confident you will be in the interview, and this results in the best outcome.  So how do you prepare and what are the musts to cover when you are getting ready for an interview. 

Research and do your homework

Preparation is key and essential when you embark on the interview process.  Always research the organisation’s website, you want to show how interested you are and what you know about the organisation.  Their website will highlight the organisation’s background, their team and culture and up to date news on what they are doing and have achieved.  To widen your research, you can look at the information on them through the media and social media.  It is good to look at the organisation’s page on LinkedIn for specific achievements and you can view the LinkedIn profiles of those who work for the organisation, in particular, those who will be interviewing you. 

Making a good first impression

When you are having an interview that is face to face, it is important to plan your trip to the location especially if you are not familiar with the area.  Is it accessible by public transport and if you are driving, what is parking like?  It is a good idea to do a trial run when planning your trip.  Above all else, never arrive late for an interview.  Always be well presented in what you wear, you can never go wrong when you wear a smart suit.  For a video interview, ensure you have the right technology including good Wi-Fi and laptop and make sure you are set up 15 minutes prior to the interview time in a quiet room clear of clutter and distractions.

Always listen and respond well

Listen carefully to the questions you are asked and provide a clear and concise answer, demonstrating with relevant examples and avoiding getting distracted in your answers. 

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Prepare questions to ask

An interview is a two-way process, so ensure you prepare questions to ask, this will highlight your interest and motivation.  It will also help you to ascertain if the opportunity and the organisation are going to be the right fit for you.

Sell your experience and strengths

You need to communicate your experience and successes that will clearly show your strengths and what you can bring to the role and the organisation.

Manage your stress and nerves

Try to do a short walk prior to the interview and some meditation.  Focus on your mindset and your breathing and relax as much as possible.

Body language

When we are nervous, we can forget about our body language.  Sit straight and speak at a clear and moderate speed, emphasising points with hand gestures.

Be inquisitive

Show your genuine interest and curiosity.  You make a great impression when you come across as someone who is willing to learn both in the workplace and in life in general.

Do your best

You have prepared and are well presented, provided appropriate answers, and overall did a great job in the interview.  You have done the best you can, so relax, whilst you wait for their decision.

Reach out after the interview

After the interview, send a brief email to thank the hiring manager for their time and to reiterate your interest. 

Job interviews can be stressful whether you are a graduate applying for your first job or a professional who is looking to progress in their career however interviewers will appreciate that most candidates will be nervous.  As a candidate there will be so many questions running around in your head including what do I wear and what should I ask.  Therefore, it is important to prepare as this will address the many questions you may have, ensuring you perform to your best with an outcome that goes in your favour.    


Martine Greenough

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